But it is exciting to be able to finally call a place our home and to paint the walls. Although we are only painting two rooms to begin with, I already have a list of home improvement projects started. My mom is coming to help with things in two weeks once Don heads back to work. So hopefully in a month we will feel pretty settled. I know a lot of people can't wait to come try out the guest room, but remember there is only one bathroom for all of us.
We will try to post some pictures of our new home as soon as we get them. Maybe in the midst of painting this weekend Don can post some on the website. The internet should be ready to go by Friday and the modem supposedly arrived today. Things are moving along pretty quickly these days but I will try to catch up on some blogs in progress and to write one with a Jackie update since I haven't written about her lately. More to come soon on all fronts unless enthusiasm gets the better of me and I don't slow down to write updates.