Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Baby bureau

So I think I might be talking only to myself here, but I'll keep writing anyway. I took a few photos of the "nursery" (ie the left side of our bedroom) this weekend, for those interested. Oh, and so much for that idea I had about making the downloads easier. It turns out the program I use can't do what I wanted it to. Back to the drawing board.



Anonymous said...

Hi Don and Tiff...
Tiffany, you look PREGNANT!!! I guess there is no question about it from your customers at work!Don, ..hope YOUR pregnancy is going well also! Enjoy the last couple of weeks of peace and quiet. There's a new "Boss" coming into the household soon who will rule your world! (But a very SWEET boss!) Love, your "East Coast" Mom

Anonymous said...

TiffAnn, Percy said we need to thump it to see if it is ripe. I am enjoying the slide show as I label newsletters. Love you, Texas Mommy

Tiffany said...

I think if we thump it to check for ripeness, the baby will fall out.

Anonymous said...

hi kids,
the pictures are beatiful. tiffany you look beautyful. i think you will have a girl.i wish you both much luck and happiness
lots of love,