Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Exciting News

So we have a big announcement to make. 
We bought a car!!!!! So that was the big announcement. I guess you might want some details about the car now, right? Well it is a 2009 Toyota Camry. It is a lovely shade of gray which is entitled "Magnetic" by the car company. Does that mean things will start sticking to our car? I think the shade is closer to the color of graphite, a nice medium gray. Jackie likes the view from her carseat and the smooth ride of the car. It is nice and compfy and is probably the first car Jackie will ever drive. She didn't seem too thrilled with that last bit. I took a few pictures of the car yesterday after it was delivered. I will try to have Don put them on the website this weekend along with the anxiously awaited pictures of Jackie at Halloween.
And as for Jackie we had her 15 month check-up on Monday. The doctor said she looked great. By the way this is the same doctor Don had growing-up and he asked me to tell the family "hi."I thought that was kind of neat that he  remembered the Fosters. Jackie is now 21 lbs 7 oz , which is in the 20% and although I don't have her exact height (the nurse didn't tell me, I forgot to ask, and they didn't give me a hand-out with her stats) she is in the 90% for height. So she is nice and tall and her Papa is already talking about a career in basketball. But other than the three shots they gave her, she seemed to like the visit. And she got a cool orange squeaky fish, I only ever got stickers. 
That is all for now. I have another appointment for the new addition on Tuesday and will try to give an update then. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank You for the update! Getting a car is an exciting event. We look forward to seeing the pictures. Sure miss my babies!!! Love you all. GKL