Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Baby bureau

So I think I might be talking only to myself here, but I'll keep writing anyway. I took a few photos of the "nursery" (ie the left side of our bedroom) this weekend, for those interested. Oh, and so much for that idea I had about making the downloads easier. It turns out the program I use can't do what I wanted it to. Back to the drawing board.


Monday, July 16, 2007

Finally, an update!

Hello to anyone that happens to be reading this! Things are moving along well with the pregnancy, and the baby is due sometime in the next two weeks or so. I added some photos of Tiffany (12 I think) to the site, so click on over to "Photo Gallery" to check those out.

By the way, I've come up with an easier way to do the file download thing, so don't bother with what I've got posted there right now. Hopefully I'll have things reposted in an easier format this week.


Sunday, July 1, 2007

New blog

Hi everyone. Don't mind me, I'm just fiddling around with the blog here.