Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Welcome to September!

Hello World!

We've all moved up to Massachusetts, and I (Don) am looking for jobs. I decided to finish grad school with a Masters of Science in Pharmacology rather than continue about three more years to finish the PhD, for a variety of personal/family reasons that I can go into later. Regardless, I'm hoping to get a job in the pharmaceutical industry soon! I had a few interviews in the Philly area, but no offers. Since moving to MA, I've had one interview (of which I don't yet know the result). I also got a few more "bites" today, so hopefully those will turn into interviews!

Jackie is doing well, and walking everywhere. Still no words, apart from "mommy"- and "daddy"-sounding words. She was about 20 pounds at her last doctor checkup, about three weeks ago. And she was about 29 inches tall then too!

I've got a lot of photos to post... but unfortunately my trial of Adobe Lightroom 2 just ended, and I can't easily go back to version 1.4 (which I own)... my fault, not Adobe's.

Also, I have video to edit and post.

And unpacking and settling in to do!

I'll post photos when I find $100.

Take care!